Terms of use


The website http://www.scalexpert.societegenerale.com, hereafter the "Platform", is a platform for information and payment solutions integration available to the public, hereafter the "Users", and to customers who have subscribed to a product, hereafter the "Customers".

Users and Customers are responsible for filling in the mandatory information in their profile by providing complete, accurate and up-to-date information.

The Platform is composed of 3 websites:


In these Terms of use, except as so far as the context otherwise requires, capitalized words and expressions shall have the same meanings as set out below.

Unless expressly provided to the contrary, as used in these Terms & Conditions, the words "we", "us" or "our" refer to Scalexpert Société Générale, and "you" or "your" refer to the Users or Clients.

API: refers to a programming interface provided by Scalexpert Société Generale to enable you to access and use services and content from banking activities.

API content: refers to data or information delivered by a specific API available on the Platform.

API service: refers to a service and/or function accessible through a specific API available on the Platform.

Application: refers to a website and/or a software application (regardless of development degree) that you have own and used and/or developed to access and/or use API services.

Terminal : Device allowing access to the platform (computer, smartphone…)


Scope which regulates APIs use and their access is composed by the following contractual lines in order of priority:

  • These Terms & Conditions
  • The developer guideline. This guideline is accessible on our page API guideline for developers and describes the global technical characteristics for all APIs provided by Societe Generale
  • Interface contract of each API which describes usage conditions (specification file compliant with the standard https://spec.openapis.org/oas/v3.0.0)

To use APIs provided by Scalexpert Société Générale the User has to accept terms of use during his account creation or a subscription selection.

At any time Societe Generale can modify all or a part of the terms of use to take into account any legal, jurisprudential, editorial and / or technical developments.

Changes from terms of use will be notified to the Users by email (at the referenced User account address). New Terms have to be accepted by the Users before any transaction on the Platform.

Any new version of terms of use is applicable to APIs available on the Platform and make the previous ones deprecated.



The Platform is accessed by the internet via a web browser. The use of the APIs requires an internet access or other network detailed in the relevant Specifications. You agree that all costs related to your access to the Platform or the APIs will be borne by you. You are solely responsible and liable for hiring and/or acquiring any hardware and licensing any third-party software needed to access and use the Platform or the APIs.


User Verification Data must be kept secure and strictly confidential and must not be disclosed to anybody other than the relevant Authorized User. You are responsible for: (i) developing and maintaining adequate security procedures to (A) ensure that the User Verification Data will not be disclosed to any person other than the relevant Authorized User; and (B) preventing access to the Platform and the APIs through User Verification Data by all other persons; and (ii) ensuring that no Authorized User accesses the Platform and the APIs from any Terminal connected to a local area network or the internet without first taking reasonable steps to ensure that no one else will be able to observe, use or copy any of its User Verification Data.


You will comply with any security guidelines issued by Scalexpert Société Générale, and if the access to the Platform is made from a third-party server(s), you will comply with any security guidelines issued by such third-party.


You are responsible for ensuring that any Terminal from which the Platform are accessed is not infected with a virus.


You will not interrupt or impair or attempt to interrupt or impair the operation of the Platform and the API in any way. You will not, without our prior written consent, use any high speed or automated mass data entry system, an “electronic eye” or any other analogous system which is capable, without manual intervention, of submitting, changing, or effecting executions of Transactions via the Platform. In the event that we have consented to the use of any such system, you shall not, without our prior written consent, vary or alter such system in such a manner so as to affect a material change in the nature, quantity, or frequency of inputs via the Platform.


If you access or use, or attempt to access or use, the Platform for any purpose other than its intended purpose (including, without limitation, by tampering, hacking, modifying or otherwise corrupting the security or functionality of the Platform), you may be subject to civil and/or criminal liability.



It is noticed that Scalexpert Société Generale has no control over the User's management of his personal or collected data and cannot be responsible in any way for these data under the exclusive User responsibility.

Scalexpert Société Generale cannot be responsible for any error(s), negligence, failure(s) or omission(s) caused by usage and access by the User or the Client to the Platform.

Any unauthorized exploitation of the Platform, APIs, Contents and API Services, as well as disclosed information and data can engage User responsibility.


Unless otherwise required by law, Scalexpert Société Generale cannot be engaged about liability for any directly or indirectly damage related to usage and access to APIs or Platform.


The Platform is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Scalexpert Société Generale agrees to reasonably provide continued access to his platform and APIs, through terms of use compliancy.


Scalexpert Société Generale will make all possible effort to notify the User in case of technical failure and access interruptions (maintenance, technical / telecommunication, or network difficulties) without engaging on a delay. Consequently, Scalexpert Société Generale cannot be responsible for any unavailability, slowdown, suspension, or lack of access to APIs, Contents and API Services.


All information, data or documents provided on the Platform as well as all API Content and Services are either the property of Scalexpert Société Generale or are subject of a license agreement for the benefit of Scalexpert Société Generale.

Scalexpert Société Générale's brands and logos on the Platform are protected. Any total or partial reproduction / representation of these brands or these logos, alone or integrated with other elements, without the Scalexpert Société Generale prior authorization is prohibited, and would incur User's responsibility about Intellectual property.

Users are authorized to download, print and use the data contain in the Platform for a internal and personal usage. Any other use of these data is strictly prohibited without the written Scalexpert Société Generale consent, in particular:

  • Any commercial use
  • Any financial instrument or benchmark making for external use or for third party benefits
  • Any copy / distribution / marketing / exploitation or use with or for third party benefits


Personal data are processed for APIs usage in accordance with regulations and as mentioned on our Data privacy page.


Terms are subject to the French law.

Given the nature of their exchanges and in particular the User/Client and Scalexpert Société Générale dematerialized relationship, it is agreed that all the Scalexpert Société Generale IT recordings will, in the event of litigation, proof value.

In the event of a dispute over the validity, performance, or interpretation of the terms of use, parties undertake to diligently cooperate in good faith with to find an agreement. Failing agreement and for any dispute, the Court of Appeal of Paris (France) is the only one competent to make and apply any decision.


Scalexpert Société Générale reserves the right to close the Platform at any time and for any reason whatsoever without having to justify its decision.

Scalexpert Société Generale reserves the right to cease providing access to the Platform to Users at any time, in particular in the event of a serious breach by Scalexpert Société Generale of its obligations under these general terms and conditions, without being required to give any reason.

Each User/Client can request the deletion of his/her account at any time by sending an e-mail to the box world-sg-ecommerce-support@socgen.com