Cookies charter

The list of cookies and our partners is here

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is placed and stored on your terminal* when you visit a website. A cookie allows its issuer to identify the terminal* on which it is stored for the duration of the validity or the storage of this cookie. The term “cookie” refers to all technologies allowing to trace the user’s navigation.

* The terminal refers to the material equipment (computer, tablet, smartphone...) you use to consult or view a website, an application or advertising content, etc.

Why do we use cookies?

We and our partners use different types of cookies for the following purposes:

1. Cookies that do not require user’s consent related to the website’s operation

(i) These are operating cookies that are essential for browsing our website (such as the session identifiers) and allow you to use the main features of the website and to secure your connection.

They allow you, for example, to access directly to reserved and personal areas of our website, thanks to identifiers or data that you may have previously entrusted to us.

(ii) These are cookies that are not essential for browsing our website but whose sole purpose is to enable or optimise its operation and to give you access to specific features.

They also allow you to adapt the presentation of our website to the display preferences of your terminal. These cookies allow you to have a fluid and customised navigation.

2. Cookies subject to user consent

Audience measurement cookies These cookies allow us to better understand the use and performance of our website, to establish statistics, traffic volumes and use of various elements of our website (visited pages, navigation path, etc.). This allows us to improve the interest and ergonomics of our services (the most consulted pages or sections, the most read articles, ...). These cookies are also used to establish statistics on the performance of the services of our website and to personalize the content of our website according to your profile and your navigation.

3. How to refuse/delete cookies

The registration of a cookie in a terminal is essentially subject to the will of the terminal user, which can be expressed and modified at any time and free of charge. If you have accepted the storage of cookies in your terminal, the cookies integrated into the pages and contents that you have consulted may be stored temporarily in a dedicated space in your terminal.


A cookie management configurator is available to allow you to manage the cookies used and/or deposited on this website. At any time, by clicking on the link “Manage my cookies” at the bottom of each page of this website, you will be able to access the configurator and modify your preferences by purpose.

!!! Attention !!!  The taking into account of your wishes is based on a cookie. If you delete all the cookies stored on your terminal via your browser, Société Générale and its partners will not be aware of your refusal and you will therefore be asked again to express your choices on cookies.

The complete blocking of your cookies via your browser or ad-blockers (including cookies related to the operation of the website) may lead to malfunctions such as the impossibility to accessing certain pages of our website or your secure client area.

As part of the regulation, you will be asked every 6 months to confirm or change your cookie preferences, regardless of how long they remain in effect.

What cookies are used on our website and what are our partners?

The list of main cookies contained on our website is provided below. This list is regularly updated:

Operating Cookies

Cookie’s nameData controllerCookie’s retention periodPurpose
COOKIE_SUPPORTScalexpert Société GénéraleThe length of the session + 15min/connectionManagement of user rights
GUEST_LANGUAGE_IDScalexpert Société GénéraleThe length of the session + 15min/connectionLanguage access management
JSESSIONIDScalexpert Société GénéraleThe length of the session + 15min/connectionUser access management
LFR_SESSION_STATE​_2132696Scalexpert Société GénéraleThe length of the session + 15min/connectionUser access management
ROUTEIDScalexpert Société GénéraleThe length of the session + 15min/connectionManagement of the user connection server
apm_swg_LastMRH​_SessionScalexpert Société GénéraleThe length of the session + 15min/connectionUser access management
dyduAuthScalexpert Société GénéraleThe length of the sessionUser access management
SGWTConnectCore.js:521Scalexpert Société GénéraleThe length of the sessionUser access management
SGEPC_POLICYScalexpert Société Générale24 hoursManagement of the cookies banner
authentication mechanismScalexpert Société GénéraleThe length of the sessionCookie to ensure the security of the
Account creation mechanismScalexpert Société Générale13 monthsCookie to ensure the security of user authentication
Lead mechanismScalexpert Société Générale6 monthsCookie to ensure the security of user authentication
Didomi tokenDIDOMI13 monthsCookie to store user consents
contrastedCssScalexpert Société GénéraleThe length of the sessioncontrast choice


Audience measurement cookies

Cookie’s nameData controllerPurpose
TMS – Tracking tagsMATOMO

Cookie to optimize the user session

Cookie to store a few details about the user identification

Cookie to store data related to the use of the Heatmap or Session Recording

Cookie to store the attribution information

Cookie to store the opt-out feature


Advertising cookies (personalized offers)

Cookie’s nameData controllerPurpose
LinkedInLinkedInMonitoring of marketing campaigns and targeting for advertising campaigns
GoogleGoogleMonitoring of marketing campaigns and targeting for advertising campaigns