Accelerate the development of purchases on your website by offering payment in instalments. Your customers can pay by debit or credit card in instalments for amounts up to €4,000. Opt for simple, intuitive paths designed to integrate easily with your e-commerce site.

Facilitate your sales with an essential, simple, and fast solution


Guaranteed payment within 48 hours, full fraud coverage

Your customers can make their purchase in multiple instalments, while you will receive payment for the order within 48 working hours. We help you to increase the reliability of your sales by covering the risk of non-payment and fraud on your transactions.

Shopping baskets from €100 to €4,000 

Give your customers the option of paying in 3 or 4 instalments for their shopping baskets between €100 and €4,000. You can decide to offer this payment solution with or without charges for your customers. 


Instant response 

With payment in instalments, your customers can pay for their purchases quickly and easily. They receive an immediate response, with no supporting documentation to provide and no obligation. The monthly instalments are then debited directly from the customer's card. 

Payment in 3 or 4 instalments by debit or credit card

Basket amount100€ to 4 000€
Duration90 days
Payment period48 hours
Set-up fee0€
Customer path
Response timeImmediate
Supporting documentationNone
Payment method
Debit or credit card issued in Metropolitan France, French overseas departments and regions, valid for  more than 3 months. Visa electron, Maestro, Nickel, and E-carte Bleue cards are not accepted 
Cancellation / RefundIncluded
Guarantee/ Security
Cover of unpaid amountIncluded
Payment guaranteeIncluded
Fraud risk managementIncluded

Payment in 3 instalments by debit or credit card
Customers located in France. Basket from €100 to €4,000


Customers fees

Your fees

No cost to your customer

0 %

3,4 %

Share the costs with your customer

between 0 % and 1,5 %

between 1,9 % and 3,4 %

Payment in 4 instalments by credit card 

Customers located in France.  Basket from €100 to €4,000


Customers fees

Your fees

No cost to your customer

0 %

4,5 %

Share the costs with your customer

between 0 % and 1,5 %

between 2,3 % and 4,5 %

Effective dashboards to manage your sales

  • Track your KPIs
    and benefit from insights to optimise your sales.
  • Track your transactions
    and manage special cases (refunds, cancellations)
  • Export your data
    and simplify your accounting reconciliation
Request a demo

Tools designed for intuitive, simplified integration

Standard integration via APIs or Plugins  

Discover a modular, versioned API set, guaranteeing integration via Rest API.
You can also take advantage of Prestashop and Magento compatible plugins to enhance your functionalities

Technical documentation to get you started

Technical documentation is available to help you get started easily. It includes diagnostic help, sample code, and concrete integration use cases.

Dedicated support during integration

If you need help, contact our support team of experienced developers via a special channel. We'll support you responsively, from installation through to day-to-day management. 

Why is Societe Generale launching an e-commerce platform ?

Societe Generale is launching the Scalexpert platform in order to provide a range of modular financial services to French merchants wishing to expand throughout Europe. The platform currently includes three initial building blocks: consumer loans, instalment payments, and extended warranties. It enables BtoC merchants to integrate and manage their financial solutions more easily, via unified APIs and CMS plug-ins. It will gradually be enhanced with additional services.

Notre partenaire du paiement fractionné :

Ready to start attracting new customers with SCALEXPERT ?

Mentions légales :

*FRANFINANCE, prêteur (SA au capital de 31 357 776 € - 53 rue du Port, CS 90201, 92724 Nanterre Cedex – 719 807 406 RCS Nanterre) - Intermédiaire en assurances - N° ORIAS 07 008 346 ("